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LOC’s Scoliosis Brace Prevents Polly’s Curve Getting Worse

Diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis at 14 years old, Polly and mum Zoe looked to the LOC Scoliosis Brace to help her curve and avoid surgery at a later date.

By Daisy
10 June 2024
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Matilde’s scoliosis bracing story

Matilde travelled from Chile to LOC for bracing treatment for her adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Now, nearly a year and a half since she started wearing her brace, she has achieved near-total correction of the curvature of her spine. This is her scoliosis bracing story.

By Daisy
31 January 2024
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Iulia's Scoliosis Bracing Story

After trying out several scoliosis braces in Romania, Ukraine and Turkey, Iulia begins treatment with the LOC Scoliosis Brace and is already seeing results in a matter of months. Here her mum, Raluca, describes how and why they came to LOC for her treatment.

By Daisy
08 January 2024
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Sofia's scoliosis bracing results

Sofia no longer needs surgery to correct her scoliosis following successful bracing treatment with the LOC scoliosis brace.

By Daisy
16 August 2023
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Flo's scoliosis brace

Flo’s growth spurt caused her small scoliosis curve to become much bigger in a short space of time before seeking bracing treatment at LOC.

By Daisy
26 June 2023
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How to spot the visual signs of scoliosis

Understanding how to spot the signs and symptoms of scoliosis can help parents detect the condition earlier. This leads to better treatment outcomes for scoliosis patients and can reduce the need for spinal surgery later in life.

By Daisy
01 June 2023
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LOC presents Scoliosis Brace findings at SOSORT

Senior orthotist, Jack Choong recently presented at SOSORT’s Spine Week 2023 Congress in Melbourne, Australia, sharing the positive results we are seeing with the LOC Scoliosis brace with an international audience.

By Daisy
15 May 2023
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Harriet's Scoliosis Brace

After a scoliosis diagnosis at 10 years old, the LOC scoliosis brace has helped Harriet's curve go down from 42 degrees to 5 degrees. She is now no longer considered a candidate for spinal surgery.

By Daisy
17 April 2023
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LOC joins NHS scoliosis brace trial

Just a year after the launch of LOC’s Scoliosis brace, The London Orthotic Consultancy has been invited to participate in the NHS BASIS Study trial into bracing treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.

By Daisy
07 March 2023
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LOC to present findings at SOSORT

LOC to present scoliosis treatment findings at the SOSORT annual conference in Melbourne, Australia in May 2023.

By Daisy
03 February 2023
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Beck's Scoliosis Brace

"Our son’s registrar at RNOH said they were the best results he had ever seen from bracing treatment for scoliosis"



By Jon W
05 December 2022
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Risser scale in scoliosis treatment

With LOC’s Scoliosis brace, the main goal is to correct the curve by straightening the spine and holding it in place.

By Jon W
16 November 2022