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Non-Surgical Treatment for Scoliosis


Non-Surgical Treatment for Scoliosis

BY Jon W
25 June 2021 In recognition of the Scoliosis Association’s International Scoliosis Awareness Day, on the 26th of June 2021, here’s a run-down of what patients can expect from our end-to-end treatment package for scoliosis. The scoliosis treatment package provided at LOC extends beyond physiotherapy and bracing. We have worked alongside this patient group for a long time and recognize the anxieties and concerns that come with this condition and the treatment that we offer. We support our patients in any way we can and therefore we have put in place several different types of support: Throughout treatment, members of our scoliosis team are readily available to answer any concerns about their Gensingen brace by whatever means patients wish to contact them - e-mail, phone, Whatsapp, Facetime etc. There is an online Schroth support group hosted by our specialist physiotherapist, Debs, where patients can check out whether they are on track with their exercises and get tips if they are finding any particular exercise difficult. Group Schroth exercises: as we progress out of lockdown, we are re-introducing these popular group sessions where teenage girls can benefit from sharing their experiences and realising they are not ‘alone. By consent, we can put patients in touch with each other to buddy up and share their treatment progress. Some of our patients have forged new friendships this way. Some adolescents struggle to come to terms with their diagnosis and wearing a brace. Although they know the treatment is going to help, it can still feel like another hurdle to overcome. We have been working with some therapists we can highly recommend supporting these patients. This support can be provided remotely to cut down on time out of school. Finally, and on a very practical note, we have designed our own brace vest. This is in response to patient comments about what is currently available to wear under a brace. It is a lightweight, thin, seamless, tight-fitting vest that is worn under the brace as a skin: brace interface. The vest shape is designed specifically for the Cheneau-Gensingen brace. If you would like to find out more about our scoliosis treatment package, please contact us or call 0208 974 9989 to enquire about an initial consultation.      

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What does spinal surgery involve?
The operation used to treat severe scoliosis curves is typically spinal fusion surgery; a major procedure that involves moving muscles and realigning the skeleton into place. The curved, deformed vertebrae are fused together into a single bone, putting metal screws and rods into the spine to help straighten it. Surgery typically lasts between 4 and 8 hours depending on the severity of the curve. Bone graft is then taken from other parts of the body and used to cover the implants.
What is spinal surgery recovery like?
Following the operation, it is necessary to spend around a week in intensive care before returning home and the first few days are often uncomfortable. Most adolescents can expect to return to school from 2-4 weeks following surgery, but pain medication may be required up to 6 weeks following. A full recovery from the procedure can take up to a year, as it can take that long for the spine to heal fully. Spinal fusion surgery causes the fused portion of the back to become permanently stiff, as a result, returning to sports that require large amounts of flexibility (ballet, yoga, gymnastics, dance) or contact (rugby, football, karate, hockey) may take longer.    

Scoliosis Pages::

What is Scoliosis? Adolescent Scoliosis Scoliosis Treatment Types of Scoliosis Scoliosis Clinical Research Scoliosis Case Histories Hannah's Scoliosis Story

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